случайно их услышала и, боже мой, как же я рада. потому что именно
такая музыка с
такими текстами полностью
here in the circle of pain without companions,
i love you.
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i lose control.
here in the circle of pain,
i wanna die
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i love you.
once i was the one who loved you,
gave you all i ever had.
i was the one who was always with you,
now i am the only one that's left.
feel my pain and feel my sorrow:
pay for what you did to me.
now its time for you to swallow
the mercy you gave to me.
here in the circle of pain without companions,
i love you.
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i lose control.
here in the circle of pain,
i wanna die.
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i love you.
once i was the one who loved you,
gave you all i ever had.
i was the one who was always with you,
now i am the only one that's left.
feel my pain and feel my sorrow:
pay for what you did to me.
now its time for you to swallow
the mercy you gave to me.
here in the circle of pain without companions,
i love you.
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i lose control.
here in the circle of pain,
i wanna die.
here in this circle close to oblivion,
i love you.текст
reiß ich mir eine wunde
streust du noch salz hinein
trink ich das gift aus bechern,
schenkst du mir nochmals ein
es brennt der schmerz wie feuer,
weil du die flamme bist
verbrenne mich an deiner glut die sich durch meine seele frisst.
der grund für meine leiden kann nicht einfach von mir gehen,
wenn einmal alles endet, wirst du mich wieder sehen
es wird schwarz....
du bist der grund für meine leiden
du bist der grund für meinen schmerz
du bist der grund für all die tränen
an dir zerbricht mein herzтекст
i am a bringer of doom
i am the reason of pain
i am forcing you down
i will drive you insane
i am scratching your pale skin
our love is a sin
come to me
the conversion begins
here see the last rights
and rest in peace
call me coroner, i want your flesh
call me coroner, i love the smell of death
call me coroner, sucking your bared bones
call me coroner, i'm graving to the stone
call me coroner, take your final breath
call me coroner, i am a kiss of death